Phoebe Dent Weil is a specialist in art conservation. She is a Director at Northern Light Studio, a collaborative enterprise to investigate, practice and teach the traditions and materials of studio art practice. Phoebe attended Wellesley College Wellesley College receiving a BA in Art History. She also studied at Memphis Academy of Arts, New York University, Institute of Fine Arts. A recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship, Phoebe worked at Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels, Belgium studying technical examination and conservation treatment of mediaeval polychrome wood sculpture with Paul Coremans and Jean Thyssen. She has been involved in sculpture conservation efforts in St. Louis through the Center for Archaeometry at Washington University. As technical director and chief conservator of Washington University Technology Associates, Phoebe has consulted and lectured on art conservation projects all over the country. She divides her time between St. Louis and consulting in Northampton, Massachusetts.